Irene Albino

work:</unravel;> Histories or Tales of Future Times[Project ideated for ︎Creative Unions exhibition and the London Design Festival.
Made in collaboration with ︎Ellen Jonsson.]

"Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of human life."
- Joseph Campbell

</unravel;> : Histories or Tales of Future Times is the second iteration of the performance of the making of a knitted manifesto, a fairy tale which unravels ideas and preconceptions of binarisms. Each day for the duration of the performance we knitted one chapter of this tale.


Folk tales and folk art (craft) are both parts of an inseparable interwoven net. They contain the spirit of the collective unconscious.
Each day for the duration of the performance we knitted one chapter of this tale, each told from the perspective of a new narrator.
The written piece is inspired by Boccaccio’s Decameron frame narrative style- a literary technique of a story within a story- where ten characters / narrators shelter in a secluded villa outside Florence to escape the Black Death- also called the Great Plague- and each one tells a story every night.

The quotes used have been found in the bibliography below:

Beck, J. The Life of the Theatre (1972)
Boccaccio, G. The Decameron  (1353)
Butler, J. Undoing Gender (2004)
Campbell, J. The Power of Myth (1988)
Carter, A. The Company of Wolves (1979)
Carter, A. The Virago Book of Fairy Tales (1991)
Dworkin, A. Woman Hating: A Radical Look at Sexuality (1974)
Haraway, D. A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century (1985)
Nolda, L. Loves Prescent, 1991 (impromptu contribution)
Pinkola Estes, C. Women who run with the wolves (1992)
Propp, V. Morphology of the Folk Tale, (1928)
Riley (fictional name), impromptu contribution
Warner, M. From the Beast to the Blonde: on Fairy Tales and Their Tellers (1994)
Woolf, V. Orlando (1928)
Zipes, J. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (1991)

Visit the project’s website and read the texts at
Read more about the exhibition here
